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maintain a sign afterwards, and it also
means a more energy efficient product.
We recently completed a project
at UBC which used porcelain enamel
which is a fired-glass type signage.
We’ve been blessed to work on these
high quality projects—this is a niche
market but a growing market. We are
bringing leading edge technologies to
the Canadian market. Moreover, our
professional services are a huge value-
add for our clients.
Having an expert staff means that
we attract more business in the high-
quality range, who ultimately benefit
from our professional services as well.
We have designers and
estimators who have been in the busi-
ness for 40 years. And we value our
employees very highly.
What are the next steps for the
company, and how do you stay com-
petitive as the industry grows?
Digital printing has really
ballooned. Every two months there’s
a new digital printer that’s better than
the last one. But instead of us trying
to buy fancy new machines, we find a
supplier who has just bought the latest
so we can always provide our custom-
ers with the better and greener option.
We are always looking to offer the best
we can while staying competitive.
In terms of growth, we are plan-
ning to expand. We have just acquired
a manufacturing facility in Ontario, for
Staying competitive is all
about keeping our word.
Yes—we don’t just do proj-
ects and then see them come to an end.
We keep that long-term relationship
with the customer.
We definitely do see the
future as more technologically chal-
lenging, so we will want to continue
to hire the right people, and adapt to
those challenges.
We are not just in the signs
business, we know how to build and
recreate brands. We hope that our fu-
ture customers learn that.
Even though we have salespeople
who are selling illuminated signs like
they have for 25-35 years, (and those
still need to be sold), the growth of
the company will come from the large
institutional clients that will always re-
quire a professional custom manufac-
turer. We bring our custom solutions to
customers, work directly with them to
understand their needs, and stay in-
volved well after the sign is installed.